Fear of Stagnancy

Most people dream of settling down, getting a house, a job, and having children. They seek a life that is stable, predictable, and comfortable. Yet, when I think of this life, it actually somewhat scares me. Don’t get me wrong, I want all those things in some form and also have parts of this describedContinue reading “Fear of Stagnancy”

La Vie Est Belle

How lovely to utter the words, “La Vie Est Belle” translated to “Life is beautiful”. This statement which flows even more wistfully in French, serves as a reminder that when we feel overwhelmed or believe that life is hard, we must remember that there is beauty all around us. Life is indeed beautiful, but whenContinue reading “La Vie Est Belle”

Building Resilience for Success

Why is it that there are those among us in society who embody such strength and live out their dreams and don’t allow anything to hold them back while there are others in society who want to move forward, but do not take the necessary steps? Many can say that fear holds people back andContinue reading “Building Resilience for Success”

Changing our image

Change is a scary concept because it means that we have to leave that old familiar image of ourselves and that image is one that we have often taken years to create. Funny though because that image, that we are so desperately clinging to, is sometimes exactly what is holding us back. But our refusalContinue reading “Changing our image”